Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I home-school my children. No, I am not crazy. I am doing what I believe God is calling me to do.

I do not believe that God calls everyone to home-school.

I also believe that God does not call the equipped...He equips the called. Because believe me, I did not feel equipped when I started on this journey last year.

Home-schooling has been an incredible journey. One that I look forward to continuing in the next year.

This year we are doing a few things the same and a few things different. I have a 3rd grader, 1st grader, preschooler and toddler. The 3rd and 1st grader are at home, the preschooler is going to preschool away from home. There is a woman at our church who runs a preschool out of her home. She is amazing. Buddy went to her 2 years ago and Buster starts there in September. He is a very excited little guy.

Bunny, my 3rd grader, will be using the following for her school year:
Math-U-See (Beta)
Story of the World (finishing Vol. 1 and starting Vol. 2)...we are also using the recommended reading for her reading/writing curriculum.
Apologia Science: Exploring Creation, Day 5, Flying Creatures
Rod and Staff Grammar (Grade 3)
Sequential Spelling
A Reason for Handwriting

Buddy, my 1st grader, is going to be using:
Math-U-See (Alpha)
Story of the World (finishing Vol. 1 and starting Vol. 2)
Apologia Science: Exploring Creation, Day 5, Flying Creatures
First Language Lessons
Handwriting without Tears
Explode the code (finish book B, start books C and 1)
I will also be using "The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading" to work on our reading skills.

We also have open gym twice a month at church with the other home-schooling families, Bunny has ballet and American Heritage Girls and we are looking at getting Buddy into Boy Scouts.

It is going to be a busy year!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

It is not good for man (or woman) to be alone.

This weekend I have been home alone with just Buster and Bear. Honey and Buddy are off on a father/son camping/hiking trip with a group of men from church and Bunny is with my mom and sister camping.
I have realized why I always go with Honey when he travels. I HATE being home alone. Especially at night. Oh, I do ok during the day, the littles keep me plenty busy but, when night time comes, and the littles are in bed, I really don't like it.
My house makes creepy noises.
My dog barks more because she knows Honey is not here.
The dark just unnerves me.

Anyway, just one more night to go and all my little chicks will be back in the nest.

Coming soon...beginning of the homeschool year...organization and curriculum choices. Oh, and why we choose to homeschool. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


When I visited LasVegas last week there was a song that continually ran through my head. The song is "God of this City" by Chris Tomlin.

Never in my life have I been in such a place. Every where we looked there was free porn, naked women, drugs and alcohol. There was drunkenness and homosexuality prominently on every corner.

I was so very thankful for the mountains that surrounded the city. Every time I looked at them, I was reminded that God did exist, even in this city.

I wish that we had had the opportunity to go to church on Sunday. Unfortunately, we were so busy with the conference that we were putting on that we didn't get the chance.

There were some fun things that we did. The hotels are amazing. The M&M store was awesome and the wax museum was fun. Check here for pictures.

I am going to make it my mission to spend the next year in prayer for when we go back to Vegas. I feel burdened to pray for this city. Will you join me?