Thursday, August 9, 2012

More summer fun

So, 2 weeks after Joe and Joanna (better known as the Jo(e)s) got married, they had their big church reception at our church in town.

We ate pancakes.  The wedding party was in charge of making them and well...I suppose we shouldn't have left some of them unsupervised...

And they were blessed by the presence of all 4 sets of grandparents.  

It was a fun day to celebrate with them.  And much more relaxing for Russ and I.  

Up next...another Mackinaw trip!  
I know...I am obsessed...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And I thought last summer was busy...

Nothing could compare with how busy we have been this summer.  I can't believe it is already the 8th of August.

And we are not slowing down yet.

Russ and I took our anniversary trip to Mackinaw City, MI.  5 days just the two of us and no kids.  It was awesome.
We used my parents travel trailer to help cut down on hotel/restaurant expenses.

We took Shepler's Ferry to Mackinac Island.

We had our bikes with us and were able to go on a lot of adventures.

And we had a lovely lunch at The Tea Room at the Fort.

We spent some time exploring Historic Mill Creek.

And found a new lighthouse we had never been to before!

And posed by McGulpin Rock

It was a great time to just be together.

Probably the best thing that happened this summer was my brother got married!  He and Joanna got married standing IN Lake Michigan.  It was a glorious day.

More updates on our summer to come.  And also, a plan of attack on the upcoming school year.  Stay tuned!  

Thursday, May 31, 2012


We did it!

In 72 hours we packed up everyone and traveled North for Memorial Day weekend.

We slept in a tent with all 4 kids.

We went to the biggest Memorial Day parade in the state of MI (or so I have heard)

We went to Historic Mackinaw Mill Creek in the rain and thunder

We visited with the British soldiers 

And did the traditional family photo at Colonial Michilimackinac

We also took the kids across the Mackinaw Bridge.  3 of them had never been across it before.

Not bad for a last minute trip.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Completely Mental

We are nuts.  Totally mental.  Crazy.

We decided on Tuesday pack everyone up (including my sister who just had knee surgery on Monday)...and go to Mackinaw for Memorial Day weekend!!

My parents will be taking the trailer and Honey and I will be tenting it with the kids.

Praying for no rain!!

So, now I have 24 hours to pack for a 4.5 hour car ride and 3 days of tent camping.

Like I said.  Completely Mental.

Monday, May 21, 2012

working hard

This weekend we started the process of purging the boys room.  We took a load of stuff to Goodwill and filled up 2 of their big blue bins at the drop off!  Can you say, too much stuff?!

This week is a little bit less busy than last week...just a little though.

Preschool today and Honey has a Board Meeting tonight which means he won't be home until the monsters are in bed.
Last MOPS until fall tomorrow, preschool program rehearsal, lunch out with friends and a dentist appointment for me (SO not looking forward to that btw).
Wednesday is preschool family picnic and the end of the year program.
Thursday we don't have to go ANYWHERE during the day, except to my parents house to check on my sister.  She is having knee surgery this morning and will be immobile for a bit.

Then comes Memorial Day Weekend.  Cookouts, planting veggies and flowers, hanging out with friends and family.

Have a good one!

Friday, May 18, 2012


I have had SUCH a productive week!

Preschool has had 2 field trips and a Luau.  My other kids have managed to get school work done and my group was in charge of breakfast at Bible Study on Tuesday.

I have also have made dinner every night for my family, on time, and without stressing about WHAT we were going to eat.

Here is a sneak peek at what my mornings are looking like these days...

Wake up, shower and get dressed...including hair and face...

Lace up shoes ON

Make bed

Shine sink

Then, the kids and I go about our business of getting wherever we need to be that day, doing laundry, school work, getting meat out for dinner...ect..

I am trying not to go too fast and burn out.  I really really need this to work this time.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


My sink has been shiny for a week. A solid week. It is practically a miracle.
 I have been up, showered and dressed to my shoes for a solid week.
 Next baby-step, laying out my clothes at night before bed.

 This morning we are off to drop Kate, Eric and Nick off at a friends house and then take Jack to sing at a retirement home with his preschool.

 My week has been nuts. Hopefully I will be able to blog more next week.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I am a terrible Blogger. I know it. And I don't know how to fix that. Starting some new routine stuff around here. Back to FlyLady. I am on day 2 and my sink is shiny and I am dressed to my shoes.

This summer is going to be NUTS. I thought last summer was crazy doesn't hold a candle to what we have coming this year.
 June 8-12 is our 10th anniversary trip to Mackinaw/Up North. We are taking my parents new trailer (thanks mom and dad!) and heading north with no children. It should be a lovely time.

 July 14 my little brother is getting married on Lake Michigan. We are the Master and Mistress of Ceremonies, Kate is the flower girl and Jack is the ring-bearer. We are praying for good weather.

 July 28 is my little brothers big wedding reception in Grand Rapids. It is big. Like 500 people big. Should be interesting.

 August 11 my brothers friend Mike "Puddle" is getting married.

 August 24 my friends Rebecca and Jon are getting married. We are the Master and Mistress of Ceremonies and Nick is the ring bearer.

 September 8 my friends Meredith and Thaddaeus are getting married.

 See. Like I said. Crazy. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the blog. ;-)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Snowman Cometh!

It has been unseasonably warm in MI this month. Yesterday it was 50 degrees and has been like that for the last 3 days. My kids have been outside with no coats on and riding their bikes.

However, it looks as though that all ends today. The weathermen are predicting rain turning to snow. We are supposed to get 3-6 inches in the next couple of days. My kids are hoping that there will be enough snow to sled since, thus far this winter, they have not gotten to do so.

I woke up at 4am with a migraine...a sure sign that the air pressure and weather are changing. I took my medication and slept for 3 more hours. I feel better this morning...just a little sluggish. However, I managed to make my bed and do my devotions. I am totally determined that those things will become habit.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It could change your life...

Did you know that Jesus loves me?! And he loves you too!!

It is amazing what spending some time every day in God's word will do for you. My anxiety levels seem lower. I am generally happier and more energetic. I have more patience with the kids and with my husband. I am also more motivated to get things done around the house. But most importantly, I have really remembered that Jesus loves ME!

I highly recommend reading a little of God's word every day. It just might change your life too.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jesus Calling

I am reading through my "Jesus Calling" devotional with the goal of making it through the whole thing this year. Today's entry was especially significant because of how I have been feeling about homeschooling my kids. Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. Not everyone is called to it either. However, I feel like I have been called to do it but that doesn't mean it is going to be easy. Here is what today's devotional said:

"I am with you and for you. When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged- never give up! With My help, you can overcome any obstacle. Do not expect an easy path as you journey hand in hand with Me, but do remember that I, your very-present Helper, am omnipotent.

Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to Me and do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by Monet. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My Presence."

Wow. How awesome is God that He speaks to me like this. Amazing.

Have a great day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello 2012

Well, I am not such a fantastic blogger, am I?
I have such good intentions....and zero follow through.
One of my goals this year is to find the follow through.

So far this year I have cleaned my bedroom, made my bed (almost) every day, killed the laundry monster, made some pretty decent meals, wore makeup every time I have gone out, read "Jesus Calling" every day and read "The Hunger Games" trilogy. Not bad for day 6.

I am really going to try and embrace my roll as homemaker this year. I am reading the book "Queen of the Castle: 52 weeks of encouragement for the uninspired, domestically challenged or just plain tired homemaker". I am hoping to read one chapter a week.

I am also making it a priority to be in God's word everyday. I know that it should have been a priority long before now but, I can't change the past.

One more thing. Soon...very soon...I will be joining WW again. I am a little upset with myself for quitting last year when it was working so well...because now I have to start all over.

That is all for tonight.
Talk to you soon.